TEWT 2 - Take and Hold Shamali
TEWT 12 - SakheTake Contactand Hold Shamali
You are the Section Commander of Alpha Section (A standard section, standard equipment) in a platoon. The platoon is tasked with conductingtaking and holding the town of Shamali, for the purpose of allowing a dismountedTransport patrolBattalion, throughtravelling anfrom areaRP1 primarilyto asRP3, access to the northern parts of the region.
The platcom has identified a showlikely enemy position on spot height 2087 East of force,the buttown, and has tasked you from your step off point of RP1 to take and hold that position. Following, you will be providing 360 security and overwatch on the ROEtown dictatesitself youfrom arethat permittedposition. Simultaneously, Bravo will be moving to engage on sight and are to pursue targets. You have ISR coverage.
Your section is currently located at the SWWestern ofHill Sakhe.whilst Charlie and platcom are at a small partner forces base in Jilavur to your NW, and bravo is searching through a valley to your east.
Your section comes under fire from what seems towill be an MG to the SW on the outskirts of town, approximately 700m away. Historically, engagements have been with no more than 10-15 hostiles.You call it in to your platcom. He tasks you with moving to and engaging the enemy, whilst Bravo moves to secure the Sar-etown.
Platcom Passhas toadvised blockyou potentialhe reinforcements,expects civilians,you'll orencounter vehiclesresistance fromof entering/leavingaround the area. Charlie and platcom begin moving towards your position via the road,4, but forterrain this exercise they are outanalysis of the equation.area shows multiple dugouts that could hold around 8. The position has been used to ambush convoys in the past travelling through Shamali. Bravo has no information on the likely enemy they'll encounter. The town is expected to hold anywhere from 10-14 enemy combatants, often dependent on how many are up on the Eastern Hill.
YouUpon hearsuccessfully another MG open fire fromtaking the sameposition, area,you andwill getbe wordrequired fromto platcomprovide thatyour ISRown reports360 seeingsecurity, 3-4Overwatch heat signatures moving aroundof the town, beforeand havingfull observation and engagement capabilities from RP2 to RTB.RP3. Anything South or North of this is not your tasking.
Support assets are not available.
Civ pop is irrelevant, enemy occupied buildings are cleared hot.
You have 5 minutes to individually construct a plan of attack.attack to take the objective. You must also provide a defensive layout of your section including where you would place each member and why you would place them there. You may ask questions during this time, do not assume anything. Hunt IR is not available.